Episode 38 – Chatbots: The Future of Marketing? A Beginner’s Guide to Chat Bots

Believe it or not,  I was using chat bots in the early 2000’s….  I will discuss the past, present and future prospects for Chatbot marketing.

I will go over what not to do when investing time and resources in building a chat bot.  Facebook has made a lot of changes and rules regarding how
you can use chatbots on their network,  we will discuss.

if you have any questions before the podcast,  you can ask them @  Digipire.com/ask

You can download the podcast on Stitcher, Spreaker, Itunes or Google Podcasts.

The podcast has been Rescheduled to April 2, 2020 @ 9PM EDT

In the meantime, you can listen to previous podcasts below.

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