I Show You What to Sell

One of the hardest parts of eCommerce is finding products to sell and people to sell them to.

Shopify is an AWESOME place to setup a store and dropship to your heart’s content.  But if you have a low tolerance for risk and need to turn over money fast,  then buying products to resell
may be for you.

Find out how much money you could make buy buying products online to resell on Ebay, Amazon, Bonanza, Mercari and others…  Why these platforms?  Because you pay a commission AFTER you make a sale… NOT before like you do when promoting a Shopify store.

I’ve taken the guess work out of what to buy.  See an example spreadsheet of products below that I buy and how I analyze them for maximum profit.   You may get a good deal on a product, but are you really?  I show you in the spreadsheet below.  I’l also be sharing where I buy from and offer you more opportunities to acquire the research I’ve done.  I can’t buy everything, I don’t have the resources.  But I enjoy researching,  so I’m sharing with you what I find.  There’s no shortage of places to buy and resell online… but you have to do your homework and I show you how.

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[iframe src=”https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/170BFLjNMlzHFO-7sby9xnrpES2LgF2cYY29xB7-7MF0/edit?usp=sharing” width=”1000″ height=”800″ scrolling=”auto” ]
