Investing in Crypto: Learn from My Mistakes

Let’s Talk !   If you haven’t seen my video discussing if I had taken $350/month that I was losing in an investment the past 12 months and instead invested in bitcoin, you can watch it below….   You may be surprised at how far ahead I would have been… PLUS recouping my initial investment.  Find out just how much exactly by watching the video.  IF you would like to play with the numbers yourself AND view the spreadsheet (in case it’s not clear on your phone or computer monitor) you can do so below.  If you are already a member of my site,  just enter your email and you’ll be granted immediate access.  Don’t worry if it ask you to confirm your email (unless you haven’t)  it will let you in any way.  All others will need to confirm their email before downloading their own copy or looking at the spreadsheet first hand from the video.

If you have trouble viewing spreadsheet, open in a new window. If viewing from mobile, be sure to scroll from left to right to see all columns.

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