Podcast Episode 34 – How to become a Digital Contractor and Make Money with Apps, Software and Scripts

Affiliate marketing is great and it’s an excellent way to earn a living online.  It has it’s limitations though, because you will never own what you are promoting.

One way to cut out the middle man is by having your own product,  a digital product more specifically.  There are many digital products you can create, but tonight we discuss building an Android app, windows software or script.

We will answer the following questions:

Build and make money with apps, software and scripts without any coding knowledge. Ots a lot easier than you think..

We will answer the following questions.

      • What’s the difference between an app, software or script?
      • Where can I find people to build it?
      • Do I keep ownership of the code?
    • What can I build?
    • How much will it cost?

You can also download the podcast on Stitcher, Spreaker, Itunes or Google Podcasts.

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