This 32-year-old stateo senator is trying to get patent trolls out of Massachusetts | TechCrunch

Patent trolling got on my radar in the early 2000’s when Acacia Media attacked companies who streamed media…. Personally,  I believe business is service to society… Trolling and practically bankrupting other businesses with litigation is not contributing to society in any way, shape or form. These entities are only formed to vacuum up expired patents and line the pockets of unscrupulous investors..  they contribute nothing to society…Luckily though after a 6 year legal battle Acacia  lost when the federal government invalidated their claims… 
I received one of their nasty letters in the mail… Luckily they only ended up going after the big guys… But they did try to basically legally extort money by threatening to sue… 

If you want to read about Acacia trolling and what came of it visit
Patent trolls… What do you think?  Leave your comments.

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