Watch “Video Game History – Documentary” on YouTube

Interesting documentary on the history of video games hosted by Tony Hawk. The documentary starts out with attributing the first  game (a primitive version of tennis) to Willie Higginbotham – who also helped invent the nuclear bomb.

I had no idea how the beginning of the  video game era was almost a precursor to the entire tech industry.  The two paralleled in many ways.. especially with their Age of Aquarius attitude in the beginning..  Complete with lots of  parties and free flowing money. Atari actually employed Steve Jobs at one point… which ended up including Wazniack under a non compensated package deal… because they were friends.

Of course they both went on to find Apple.. Jobs and Wazniack actually asked the Atari founders to invest in their company, which they declined.

Very interesting documentary stretching briefly from the 50’s until today.