I have been interested lately in acquiring businesses that do not require my physical presence (or very little of it) where everything can be outsourced and ran on auto-pilot.  So of course this excludes businesses such as restaurants, retail stores and the like.   I don’t want to be tied down to any one location,  I want to sustain my mobility and ability to leave town at any given moment.  With that in mind….  I am always on the lookout for FBA (fulfilled by Amazon) shops that have an established product line….  though this one is outside of my budget at my point, I want to take a look into it.  It would be an excellent candidate for a fractional ownership deal to spread the risk.  Be sure to bookmark this page as I answer the questions that I use to evaluate a web business for sale,  as found on Investing in the Cloud – A Primer. 

So with that in mind….
There is an opportunity cost to everything…. if you had the cash available and enough time, would it be better and less risky to build a site like this from the ground up or front the money to start earning immediately? I will discuss.