I’m all for selling the shovel… there is nothing wrong with it… But gurus often attempt to paint an image that making money online is easy and sexy…. and that anyone can do it… I don’t believe this to be true… it takes a certain temperament, tolerance for risk and flexibility that many people just don’t have the luxury of possessing. If you have children or other obligations that make it difficult for you to ride the waves of entrepreneurship, you may have a rougher ride than someone who does not…

Anyway,  this is your decision… it’s a decision unique to your situation and station in life;   no one can make it for you.  Just think critically before you invest thousands (sometimes tens of thousands) on courses that will teach you how to “get rich” in Amazon FBA….

The link below is a post from a blog that I follow…. He shares his experience with selling private label products on Amazon…..  What are private label products you ask?   He does an excellent job at explaining it…   After reading this,  don’t assume that you will fail as well… there are many factors that go into play.  I just think it’s important to know all the facts and not just focus on everything positive….  you gotta add in  a touch of reality in your recipe for success as well.  Before you dive into private label products,  I suggest you buy to sell…   Dive into private label when you find success in your other eCommerce ventures.

Below is his journey… you can also open in a new window….

[iframe src=”http://www.cashflowdiaries.com/how-i-failed-miserably-with-my-amazon-fba-business/” width=”1000″ height=”22800″ scrolling=”auto” ]