Someone is selling their New Jersey house for $2.3 million in bitcoin — and it’s a growing trend

If you don’t know what you’re doing… especially if you’ve NEVER traded currency (FOREX) before AND know very little about how real estate investing works.. I HIGHLY recommend you don’t mix Crypto with Real Estate…   For those experience though,  you can take advantage of price fluctuations in both and profit in a really big way.    You can also take advantage of most people’s ignorance of how the two work together or even how they work independent of each other.

My Advice:  If you ever want to make an income outside of your Job…. and discover TRUE financial wealth (as determined by the balance sheet)  pick an area to invest and become an expert in it.  If money is what your chasing,  you’ll most likely NEVER get into the Multi Millionaires club by working a traditional, linear income based job.   Similar to the unlikelihood of having a high income without having some sort of coveted knowledge or education,  the same works with investments.  You must study, learn, fail then eventually succeed.  Rinse and Repeat.

and for God’s sake…. NEVER mortgage your  home to trade currency, futures, penny stocks or any other risky venture you know little about.   If you want to invest and drawing cash from your home is the only alternative… invest in something safe…. such as flipping a house,  buying product to resell on Ebay or Amazon.  In other words,  something that has a tangible value that you can easily liquidate.

With this being said.. Follow the link below to watch the video of a

Person Selling their Home for $2.3M in Bitcoin. 

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