Watch BBC Documentary 2017 | Hidden secret of Las Vegas Casinos – National Geographic Documentary 2017″ on YouTube

As an entrepreneur I really appreciated this documentary… This guy studies the casinos strengths and weaknesses and lines his pockets with lots of cash by doing so. . He treats gambling as the numbers game it is rather than just blind luck.

The following  is something he said that I can really relate to…  and something that has been in the back of my mind for a very long time.

You have an edge… If you play for a long enough time with a large enough sample size you are going to win..

Reporter: so it’s just math…  ?  Yes every thing on this casino floor is math…. you also need to find a deficiency that you can take advantage of.

Again I reiterate, having success in business.. Or anything really is understanding the math.

..Gambling kinda parallels a lot with the world of business,  doesn’t it?  If you are anything like myself then you have  rolled the dice many times. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.  If you play and want to succeed in the game of Capitalism then you MUST understand the numbers behind whatever it is that you want to do.

To find what you are looking for in life.. whether it be money, the perfect mate or even investors for your next big idea.. You have to understand and know how to sku the math in your favor. Those that do are rewarded much quicker than those who sit idle hoping for the best.

You want to be the one studying and being proactive while everyone else is sleeping and whining that it’s too hard or it can’t be done. You know what?  If you fail at least you have some experience behind you. It’s not called the school of hard knocks without good reason.

Although I am not a gambler in the traditional sense (it can be argued that anything outside receiving a steady,  traditional paycheck is gambling) but I did see how this documentary and the professional gambler it features parallels with my own paradigm of thought regarding capitalism and our pursuit for the Almighty dollar.

Enjoy. Watch on Chromecast if possible.